Tuesday, August 14, 2007

SMT Radio, August 2007

Phoenix area corporate consultant Lori Champion talks about how she has personally been the beneficiary of her membership in SMT, and how the benefits continue year after year. Also, we'll hear how Centennial Wireless Training Manager, Michael Fuelling is touching and training his sales team every day with TIPS. And finally, Eric Beckman of Executive Conversation reveals the secrets to obtaining sponsorship for new training initiatives from the "C level."


The Professional Society for Sales & Marketing Training (SMT) is the ONLY association fully dedicated to accelerating business results for its member organizations by improving sales and marketing performance through training. http://www.smt.org/

SMT Radio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.